I love the poem “Disiderata” by Max Ehrmann. Within it are the words “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars….” That makes you pretty awesome. One of my friends sent me an email with a quote from author Jean Houston, “We don’t just live in the universe, the universe lives in us.” I believe your Soul lives in you; you live in your Soul, and it loves you and protects you constantly with the universal creative source of pure love. There really is no separation from the Soul or us or the universal source. Your Soul chose YOU! That makes you pretty special! Another wonderful friend reminded me that the universe is a co-conspirator with us … for nothing but good. I happen to think the dictionary misspelled the word. It should be co-con(spirit)or. 😊
One of the lessons I am learning after being diagnosed with cancer is that since my Soul did choose me, I want to fully surrender to it and allow life to flow in and around me freely, regardless of cancer. I owe it to my Soul to join in and embrace whatever I am experiencing and meant to learn from cancer; and trust completely that all things work well for good. I’m feeling really healthy and my oncologist agrees that I have no need to take any medications.
It is brave to walk into the unknown. Please trust that within the unknown space, possibilities for amazing miracles are born. You are that possibility. There are no exceptions to this. It is your birth right! Your past history does not define you. I want you to know I am here and continuing to walk with you. You are my friends, my community, and I keep growing and learning more about myself, just from some little thing you may have said or done. You are so wonderfully wise!! I would love to hear from you so, please contact me to set up an appointment, or just to say hi. I prefer not to text because I love to hear your voice.
There is enormous love out there…. breathe it in as you say, “I have a right to be here!”