Greetings from Cate!

I am so grateful for all that I have. And one of many things I’m blessed with, is all the wonderful people in my life. I have our daughter, Holly who has always been a trusting companion and honorable example to follow. She is a reliable advisor and has given so much, especially this last year setting up my new LLC and in managing the bookkeeping and administrative projects all these years.

Holly’s life partner, Chris has been the living force behind all technical issues, and his genius has never ceased to amaze me. He is like a son to me. And such a descent, good man.

And speaking of good, descent men, I have Richard as my loving partner/mentor and best friend. His gentle, even-keel temperament is admired and appreciated by many. Yes, we hit bumps in the road on our journey together, and yes, it is possible for family to work successfully together.

AND, I have all of you, my dear familiar friends who strive and have the immense courage to go inward and realize that you already have the answers inside. YOU ALL ARE THE DIFFERENCE IN OUR WORLD!

There are a lot of distractions out there now. I want to remind you that every person, place, thing, experience or substance you encounter is there for you to remember who you are. And you cannot remember who you are if you are lugging around a bunch of negative, fearful thoughts. So how do we embrace the changes going on in the world and not be afraid or critical? It is, I believe, by listening to your knowing, your inner voice, your True Self within you. However, you will not be able to hear what your Essential Self has to say if you are consumed in fear thoughts.

I had an experience not too long ago walking home with my husband, Richard, from getting a morning coffee. I could see this young man ahead screaming at his cell phone and stomping around in the middle of the street. He had strung hoses across the sidewalk in front of us from his van that advertised carpet cleaning. I motioned to Richard that we ought to cross to the other side of the street to get around the equipment and him.

And then I had this feeling . . . this hunch or intuitive nudge to approach this guy who was completely dissociated from himself he was so upset. I handed Richard my coffee cup and walked towards him, “Hey bud, what’s going on?” He jerked around as if he had no idea anyone else existed. I had to reached up to put my hands on his chest. I looked in his eyes and he broke down crying as he explained he had done everything right. “I called my ex-girlfriend just like I was supposed to, right at 8:00 o’clock to talk to my little girl and she won’t let me talk to her. I have to keep my job so I can pay child support and now I don’t know what to do! I can’t live if I can’t see my little girl. She’s only two years old!!!”

This guy was at least a foot taller than me, and my husband is standing there holding two coffee cups looking a little helpless. I said, “Oh, dear heart, would you like a hug?” He sniffled and looked down at me and said, “Okay.” He put his bushy curly head down on my shoulder and I held him in the middle of the street. And then I stroked his cheek, wiping his tears, and asked, “Would you like a hug from a man?” Richard handed me the two not-so-hot coffee’s and held this big, very tall “little boy” in his arms. A moment or two of kindness . . . . of connection.

And, it would not have happened if I/we were afraid or had labeled this dear young man as dangerous or high on drugs, etc. None of that entered my mind because I listened to my Authentic Self and was led by my inner knowing. And I know, my True Self would have told me if he was dangerous. Before we left, I said; “And I want you to remember this. That no matter what happens, YOU are worthy of having what you want.” I don’t know what became of that young man, but I did tell him to call every lawyer in town and ask if they did pro bono work. He needed a lawyer to help him.

So, I am suggesting that with all the things out there that can distract or scare you, remember that who you are is powerful beyond measure. Be kind and respectful to yourself and you will organically and naturally be kind to others. It is the loving thing . . . because WE ARE THE DIFFERENCE IN OUR WORLD.

Enjoy your holidays however you choose to spend them. I am looking forward to seeing you in the new year and I intend to keep working in 2025. Oh, by the way, as far as the cancer I told you about. I am in remission!! Feel free to ask for details if you want to know what I did to help myself through the past two and one-half years since diagnosis. I certainly had to practice what I preach.

Enormous love out there for you,


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